27 December 2008

For-each loop: Small language changes on JDK 7

Lets talk about:

  • For-each loop over a Map
  • Control over for-each loops (index/remove)

At first, I asked myself if it's possible to obtain those targets just by a simple code.?
It's not so clear for all, but answer is YES.
However, there are still some small languages changes that would improve programming quality.

Indexing control over for-each loops

What would be the effect of adding indexing directly to for-each loop?

  • Language syntax need to be extended.
  • While loop can iterate more than MAX_INT there might be possibility to obtain exception (IndexOutOfBoundsException)
  • We will not be able to obtain some more complicated indexes (like even numbers, numbers started from 333, ...)
  • It's higher probability that when people get used to it they will want a more complicated syntax

What is the impact of other solutions?

  • Implement IntIterator, LongIterator
  • Possible to extend for-each loop with increment (initialization) expression for (String s:array; intIterator.next()) { ... }
  • We would be able to index everything
  • No negative impact during extending loop statement
  • We could selectively index elements


 * @author Marek Kozieł

public interface IntIterator extends Serializable {

   * Returns <tt>true</tt> if the iteration has more elements. (In other words, returns <tt>true</tt> if <tt>next</tt> would return an element rather than throwing an exception.)
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the iterator has more elements.

  public boolean hasNext();

   * Returns the next element in the iteration.
   * @return the next element in the iteration.
   * @exception NoSuchElementException iteration has no more elements.

  public int next();

  public static class IntIteratorImpl implements IntIterator {

    public IntIteratorImpl() {
      last = 0 - 1;

    public IntIteratorImpl(int starValue) {
      if (starValue == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start value(" + starValue + ") is unsupported"); }
      last = starValue - 1;

    private int  last  = 0;

    public final boolean hasNext() {
      return (last != Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    public final int next() {
      if (last == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); }
      return (last++);



Removing control over for-each loops

What would be the effect of adding indexing directly to for-each loop?

  • Possible, but for loop should know if it's iterate through Iterator.
  • Syntax need to be extended like:

What is the impact of another solutions?
Allow for-each loop to iterate through Iterator not only through Iterable!

  • Will allow use more complicated Iterators!
  • Container would be able to return easily few iterators (Map iterator over: keys, values, distinct values, keys & values ) without complicated objects structure.
  • No syntax change is required!

For-each loop over a Map

What would be the effect of allowing loop to work on Map-s?

  • Language would become dependent from Map implementation
  • Syntax need to be extended!

What is the impact of another solution?
I personally use solution that allow me to iterate through my own Map-s for a few months. Container is just able to return a few different iterators (see previous solution).


  • Language changes can have high negative impact.
  • Making language dependent from one implementation will skip people from implemending better ones.

Another sugestion: Allow for-each loop iterator through more than one container


  • Syntax need to be extended:
    for(String s: array,collection,iterator)
    if (for.current==array) { ... }
  • Skipping people from writing a few loops with the same content!


  1. For-each loop over a Map
    You already have this in Java:
    for(Map.Entry e : map.entrySet()) {
    // do something with e.getKey() and e.getValue()

    Indexing control over for-each loops
    Why do you need this indexing? Perhaps to copy data between array and collection. So better instead of array, use ArrayList.

    Removing control over for-each loops
    Yes, this can be disappointing. I had for(E e : collection), then I noticed that I need removal there. Do I need to change it to for(Iterator<E> it = collection.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ){E e = it.next .... Code is much less readable. But this can be easily done without any language extensions:
    IterableHelper<E> helper = IterableHelper.create(collection);
    for(E e : helper) {

    Another sugestion: Allow for-each loop iterator through more than one container
    I can't remember if I ever needed it in my programming experience - no need to add it to Java if it's almost never used. But you can create a special method for this:
    interface F<E> { void f(E e){} }
    Utils.forEach(new F<E>() {
    void f(E e) {
    }, collection1, collection2, ...);
    A lot more typing, but it's not a problem. As I wrote, it happens very rarely. This way you can do other tasks that would otherwise require duplicating of your code.

  2. >For-each loop over a Map
    Personally, I do not use maps at all, but maybe people do not know this solution.

    >Why do you need this indexing?
    I've already said that I'm against of indexing in loop.

  3. Almost all developers know about Map.entrySet() and use it to iterate map.

  4. >Almost all developers know about Map.entrySet() and use it to iterate map.

    It's not about possibility, I just do not like the logics according to which it's done like that.
